Some of the most common words and phrases you may come across as you work with your book editor: Stet: a Latin word for “let it stand”; an editor may …
Indie Authors: Things to Note as You Evaluate Sample Edits
This is not an exhaustive list for a copyedit, and it also does not necessarily mean an editor must meet all criteria perfectly. But as you choose an editor, these …
As a copyeditor, I will check for continuity.
When I talk about fiction book editing, the typical idea people have in mind is often pretty accurate—grammar, spelling, typos, etc. But did you know that a copyeditor also checks …
Why would you pay for a beta reader?
Beta Readers, ARC readers, alpha readers, critique partners, manuscript evaluations, developmental editors. . .there is SO much lingo being thrown around on social media, and unfortunately, sometimes the lingo is …